- Formula Poems
(1) “I Wish …. “ poems
(2) Color poems
(3) Five-senses poems
(4) “If I Were … poems
(5) “I Used to …, But Now…” poems
(6) “….. Is” poems
(7) Preposition poems
Example (Five-Senses Poem)
Being Heartbroken
Sounds like thunder and lightning
Looks like a carrot going through a blender
Tastes like sour milk
Feels like a splinter in your finger
Smells like a dead fish
It must be horrible
- Free-Form Poems
(1) Concrete poems (words, phrases, sentences written in the shape of an object)
(2) Found poems (culling words from other sources: songs, articles, stories)
Example (Found Poem)
Fast Moving
Moving down the track,
faster than fast, is Richard Petty
seven-time winner of
the crowned jewel
Daytona 500.
At 210 mph– dangerous-
pushing his engine to the limit.
Other NASCARs running fast
but Richard Petty takes the lead
at last.
Running across the line
with good time.
- Syllable- and Word-Count Poems
(1) Haiku (17 syllables arranged in three lines, 5, 7, and 5 => nature)
(2) Tanka (31 syllables arranged in five lines, 5-7-5-7-7 => nature)
(3) Cinquain (22 syllables arranged in five lines, 2-4-6-8-2 => something, story)
(4) Diamante (seven-line contrast poem written in a shape of a diamond)
Example (Diamante)
wrinkled tiny
crying wetting sleeping
rattles diapers money house
caring working loving
smart helpful
- Rhymed Verse Forms
(1) Limerick (5 lines, 1st, 2nd, 5th lines rhyme; 3rd, 4th rhyme rhyme scheme: a-a-b-b-a; last line contains a funny, surprising ending)
(2) Clerihews (4 lines describing historical figures, characters of stories; rhyme scheme: a-b-a-b)
Example (Limerick)
There once was a frog named Pete
Who did nothing but sit and eat
He examined each fly
With so careful an eye
And then said, “You’re dead meat.”
- Model Poems
adult/renown poets. Model poems include:
(1) Apologies (Model of William Carlos Williams’s “This is Just to Say”)
(2) Invitations (Model of Shakespeare’s “Come Unto These Yellow Sands”)
(3) Prayers from the Ark (Model of Carmen Bernos de Gasztold’s “Prayers
from the Ark”)
(4) If I were in Charge of the World (Judith Viorst’s “If I Were in Charge of the
Example (Invitation)
The Golden Shore
Come unto the golden shore
Where days are filled with laughter,
And nights filled with whispering winds.
Where sunflowers and sun
Are filled with love.
Come take my hand
As we walk into the sun.
For more poetic forms: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/learning/glossary-terms?category=forms-and-types
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