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Introduction to Linguistics

  1. Alphabetic Writing
  2. Arbitrary
  3. Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
  4. Logograms
  5. Means of Communication
  6. Onomatopoeia vs. Arbitrariness
  7. Phonological Processes - New!
  8. Pictograms
  9. Syllabic Writing
  10. Symbols
  11. The Origins of Language


  1. Aksara: Murda, Swara, Rekan
  2. Javanese Alphabet (Ha Na Ca Ra Ka)

Politeness Strategies

  1. Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategies
  2. Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
  3. Leech's Politeness Principles
  4. Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
  5. Positive Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson)


  1. SLA: Accomodation and Discourse Theory
  2. SLA: Monitor and Variable Competence Model
  3. SLA: Universal Hypothesis and A Neurofunctional Theory
  4. Seven Theories of Second Language Acquisition
  5. Some Basic Terms in SLA (An Introduction)


  1. How to Make 3D Tag Cloud
  2. How to Make Menu and Sub-menu Tab

cooperative principle

  1. Cooperative Principle: The Concept of Implicature
  2. Cooperative Principle: The Flouting of Maxims
  3. Cooperative Principles: The Hedging of Maxims
  4. Grice's Cooperative Principle

critical approach

  1. Biographical Approach to Analyze Literature
  2. Critical Approaches to Study Literature
  3. Historical Approach to Analyze Literature
  4. Mythological and Archetypal Approach to Analyze Literature
  5. Objective Approach to Analyze Literature
  6. Psychological Approach to Analyze Literature
  7. Subjective Approach to Analyze Literature


  1. Deixis
  2. Deixis Theory Proposed by Stephen C. Levinson
  3. Discourse Deixis
  4. Place Deixis
  5. Social Deixis
  6. Time Deixis


  1. Bayern München and Allianz Arena
  2. Profile: "Souls" of The Orange Netherlands
  3. Profile: The "Backbones" of Les Blues France
  4. Profile: The "Stars" of Der Panzer Germany
  5. Profile: The Pillars of El Matador Spain
  6. UEFA EURO Mascots from Time to Time

formal semantics

  1. Analytic Sentence
  2. Entailment
  3. Formal semantics
  4. Presupposition
  5. Synthetic Sentence

generative linguistics

  1. Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
  2. Deep Structure vs. Surface Structure
  3. Five Definitions of Deep Structure
  4. How to Draw Tree Diagram - New!
  5. Linguistic Competence and Linguistic Performance
  6. Phrase Structure Rules
  7. Transformation Rules - New!
  8. What Is Transformational Grammar? - New!


  1. Aksara: Murda, Swara, Rekan
  2. Alphabetic Writing
  3. Analytic Sentence
  4. Apocope
  5. Arbitrary
  6. Assimilation
  7. Austin’s Speech Act Theory
  8. Bilingualism
  9. Blending
  10. Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategies
  11. Call for Reviewers - New!
  12. Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
  13. Clipping
  14. Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
  15. Cooperative Principle: The Concept of Implicature
  16. Cooperative Principle: The Flouting of Maxims
  17. Cooperative Principles: The Hedging of Maxims
  18. Deep Structure vs. Surface Structure
  19. Deixis
  20. Deixis Theory Proposed by Stephen C. Levinson
  21. Different Language or Dialect?
  22. Discourse Deixis
  23. Entailment
  24. Five Definitions of Deep Structure
  25. Formal semantics
  26. Grice's Cooperative Principle
  27. How to Draw Tree Diagram - New!
  28. Javanese Alphabet (Ha Na Ca Ra Ka)
  29. Kinds of Code Switching - New!
  30. Kinds of Performative Utterance
  32. Leech's Politeness Principles
  33. Lenition
  34. Lexical Semantic: Referential Theory
  35. Linguistic Competence and Linguistic Performance
  36. Logograms
  37. Means of Communication
  38. Metaphor
  40. Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
  41. Onomatopoeia vs. Arbitrariness
  42. Performative vs. Constative Sentence
  43. Phonological Processes - New!
  44. Phonology
  45. Phrase Structure Rules
  46. Pictograms
  47. Place Deixis
  48. Positive Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson)
  49. Pragmatics by George Yule
  50. Presupposition
  51. SLA: Accomodation and Discourse Theory
  52. SLA: Monitor and Variable Competence Model
  53. SLA: Universal Hypothesis and A Neurofunctional Theory
  54. Seven Theories of Second Language Acquisition
  55. Social Deixis
  56. Sociolinguistic Handout
  57. Sociolinguistics: Language Variation
  58. Some Basic Terms in SLA (An Introduction)
  59. Syllabic Writing
  60. Syncope
  61. Synthetic Sentence
  62. The First Linguist Recorded by History
  63. The Functions of Illocutionary Acts
  64. The Origins of Language
  65. Time Deixis
  66. Transformation Rules - New!
  67. Types of Meaning
  68. What Is Transformational Grammar? - New!
  69. What is Semantic: Brief Explanation


  1. The Functions of Literature
  2. Allegory
  3. Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 1)
  4. Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 2)
  5. Biographical Approach to Analyze Literature
  6. Call for Reviewers - New!
  7. Character and Characterization
  8. Critical Approaches to Study Literature
  9. Elements of Novel:Plot
  10. Historical Approach to Analyze Literature
  11. Kinds of Novel
  12. Love is pain
  13. Metaphor
  14. Moral value
  15. Mythological and Archetypal Approach to Analyze Literature
  16. Objective Approach to Analyze Literature
  17. Philosophical value
  18. Poetry Analysis: Content Elements
  19. Poetry: Imagery
  20. Poetry: Under the Same Sun Analysis
  21. Points of View
  22. Prose: Novel
  23. Psychological Approach to Analyze Literature
  24. Subject Matter and Theme
  25. Subjective Approach to Analyze Literature
  26. The Elements of Novel: Conflicts
  27. The Elements of Novel: Setting
  28. The Nature of Literature
  29. The Nature of Poetry
  30. Types of Poetic Forms
  31. What is a theme?

literature values

  1. Moral value
  2. Philosophical value


  1. Blending
  2. Clipping


  1. A Good Day to Die Hard
  2. A Haunted House
  3. Bayern München and Allianz Arena
  4. Beautiful Creatures
  5. Call for Reviewers - New!
  6. Django Unchained
  7. Habibie & Ainun
  8. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
  9. Iron Man 3
  10. Les Misérables
  11. Profile: "Souls" of The Orange Netherlands
  12. Profile: The "Backbones" of Les Blues France
  13. Profile: The "Stars" of Der Panzer Germany
  14. Profile: The Pillars of El Matador Spain
  15. Quotation: Language
  16. Review: Ice Age 4 Continental Drift (2012)
  17. Review: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
  18. Review: Resident Evil 5: Retribution (2012)
  19. Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
  20. Review: The Avengers (2012)
  21. Review: The Bourne Legacy (2012)
  22. Review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
  23. Review: The Expendables 2 (2012)
  24. Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
  25. Texas Chainsaw 3D
  26. The Last Stand
  27. UEFA EURO Mascots from Time to Time


  1. Apocope
  2. Assimilation
  3. Lenition
  4. Phonological Processes - New!
  5. Phonology
  6. Syncope


  1. Be The Best of Whatever You Are
  2. Confessions of a Sinner
  3. Kerendahan Hati
  4. Kesungguhan Seseorang...
  5. Life is Life
  6. Love is love
  7. Love is pain
  8. Quotation: Language
  9. The Legend Will Live
  10. The Voice of Truth
  11. Trying to be Somebody
  12. Viking Prayer before Battle


  1. Allegory
  2. Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 1)
  3. Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 2)
  4. Poetry Analysis: Content Elements
  5. Poetry: Imagery
  6. Poetry: Under the Same Sun Analysis
  7. The Nature of Poetry
  8. Types of Poetic Forms


  1. Austin’s Speech Act Theory
  2. Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategies
  3. Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
  4. Cooperative Principle: The Concept of Implicature
  5. Cooperative Principle: The Flouting of Maxims
  6. Cooperative Principles: The Hedging of Maxims
  7. Deixis
  8. Deixis Theory Proposed by Stephen C. Levinson
  9. Discourse Deixis
  10. Grice's Cooperative Principle
  11. Kinds of Performative Utterance
  12. Leech's Politeness Principles
  13. Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
  14. Performative vs. Constative Sentence
  15. Place Deixis
  16. Positive Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson)
  17. Social Deixis
  18. The Functions of Illocutionary Acts
  19. Time Deixis


  1. Allegory
  2. Character and Characterization
  3. Elements of Novel:Plot
  4. Kinds of Novel
  5. Points of View
  6. Prose: Novel
  7. Subject Matter and Theme
  8. The Elements of Novel: Conflicts
  9. The Elements of Novel: Setting
  10. Things to Contemplate
  11. What is a theme?


  1. A Good Day to Die Hard
  2. A Haunted House
  3. Beautiful Creatures
  4. Call for Reviewers - New!
  5. Django Unchained
  6. Habibie & Ainun
  7. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
  8. Iron Man 3
  9. Les Misérables
  10. Review: Ice Age 4 Continental Drift (2012)
  11. Review: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
  12. Review: Resident Evil 5: Retribution (2012)
  13. Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
  14. Review: The Avengers (2012)
  15. Review: The Bourne Legacy (2012)
  16. Review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
  17. Review: The Expendables 2 (2012)
  18. Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
  19. Texas Chainsaw 3D
  20. The Last Stand


  1. Analytic Sentence
  2. Entailment
  3. Formal semantics
  4. Lexical Semantic: Referential Theory
  5. Metaphor
  6. Performative vs. Constative Sentence
  7. Presupposition
  8. Synthetic Sentence
  9. Types of Meaning
  10. What is Semantic: Brief Explanation


  1. Bilingualism
  2. Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
  3. Different Language or Dialect?
  4. Kinds of Code Switching - New!
  6. Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
  7. Sociolinguistic Handout
  8. Sociolinguistics: Language Variation
  9. Style and Register

speech act

  1. Austin’s Speech Act Theory
  2. Kinds of Performative Utterance
  3. Performative vs. Constative Sentence
  4. The Functions of Illocutionary Acts


  1. Alphabetic Writing
  2. Logograms
  3. Pictograms
  4. Syllabic Writing
  5. Symbols


  1. Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
  2. Deep Structure vs. Surface Structure
  3. Five Definitions of Deep Structure
  4. How to Draw Tree Diagram - New!
  5. Linguistic Competence and Linguistic Performance
  6. Phrase Structure Rules
  7. Transformation Rules - New!
  8. What Is Transformational Grammar? - New!


  1. 10 Cities Most "Hated"
  2. 5 Richest Young Men
  3. Google Electric Car
  4. Living Barbie: Valeria Lukyanova
  5. Teens' New Trend: K-Pop
  6. The First Linguist Recorded by History
  7. World Tallest Tower: Tokyo Skytree
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