- Alphabetic Writing
- Arbitrary
- Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
- Logograms
- Means of Communication
- Onomatopoeia vs. Arbitrariness
- Phonological Processes - New!
- Pictograms
- Syllabic Writing
- Symbols
- The Origins of Language
- Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategies
- Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
- Leech's Politeness Principles
- Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
- Positive Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson)
- SLA: Accomodation and Discourse Theory
- SLA: Monitor and Variable Competence Model
- SLA: Universal Hypothesis and A Neurofunctional Theory
- Seven Theories of Second Language Acquisition
- Some Basic Terms in SLA (An Introduction)
- Cooperative Principle: The Concept of Implicature
- Cooperative Principle: The Flouting of Maxims
- Cooperative Principles: The Hedging of Maxims
- Grice's Cooperative Principle
- Biographical Approach to Analyze Literature
- Critical Approaches to Study Literature
- Historical Approach to Analyze Literature
- Mythological and Archetypal Approach to Analyze Literature
- Objective Approach to Analyze Literature
- Psychological Approach to Analyze Literature
- Subjective Approach to Analyze Literature
- Deixis
- Deixis Theory Proposed by Stephen C. Levinson
- Discourse Deixis
- Place Deixis
- Social Deixis
- Time Deixis
- Bayern München and Allianz Arena
- Profile: "Souls" of The Orange Netherlands
- Profile: The "Backbones" of Les Blues France
- Profile: The "Stars" of Der Panzer Germany
- Profile: The Pillars of El Matador Spain
- UEFA EURO Mascots from Time to Time
- Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
- Deep Structure vs. Surface Structure
- Five Definitions of Deep Structure
- How to Draw Tree Diagram - New!
- Linguistic Competence and Linguistic Performance
- Phrase Structure Rules
- Transformation Rules - New!
- What Is Transformational Grammar? - New!
- Aksara: Murda, Swara, Rekan
- Alphabetic Writing
- Analytic Sentence
- Apocope
- Arbitrary
- Assimilation
- Austin’s Speech Act Theory
- Bilingualism
- Blending
- Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategies
- Call for Reviewers - New!
- Chomsky's Generative Linguistics: An Introduction
- Clipping
- Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
- Cooperative Principle: The Concept of Implicature
- Cooperative Principle: The Flouting of Maxims
- Cooperative Principles: The Hedging of Maxims
- Deep Structure vs. Surface Structure
- Deixis
- Deixis Theory Proposed by Stephen C. Levinson
- Different Language or Dialect?
- Discourse Deixis
- Entailment
- Five Definitions of Deep Structure
- Formal semantics
- Grice's Cooperative Principle
- How to Draw Tree Diagram - New!
- Javanese Alphabet (Ha Na Ca Ra Ka)
- Kinds of Code Switching - New!
- Kinds of Performative Utterance
- Leech's Politeness Principles
- Lenition
- Lexical Semantic: Referential Theory
- Linguistic Competence and Linguistic Performance
- Logograms
- Means of Communication
- Metaphor
- Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
- Onomatopoeia vs. Arbitrariness
- Performative vs. Constative Sentence
- Phonological Processes - New!
- Phonology
- Phrase Structure Rules
- Pictograms
- Place Deixis
- Positive Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson)
- Pragmatics by George Yule
- Presupposition
- SLA: Accomodation and Discourse Theory
- SLA: Monitor and Variable Competence Model
- SLA: Universal Hypothesis and A Neurofunctional Theory
- Seven Theories of Second Language Acquisition
- Social Deixis
- Sociolinguistic Handout
- Sociolinguistics: Language Variation
- Some Basic Terms in SLA (An Introduction)
- Syllabic Writing
- Syncope
- Synthetic Sentence
- The First Linguist Recorded by History
- The Functions of Illocutionary Acts
- The Origins of Language
- Time Deixis
- Transformation Rules - New!
- Types of Meaning
- What Is Transformational Grammar? - New!
- What is Semantic: Brief Explanation
- The Functions of Literature
- Allegory
- Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 1)
- Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 2)
- Biographical Approach to Analyze Literature
- Call for Reviewers - New!
- Character and Characterization
- Critical Approaches to Study Literature
- Elements of Novel:Plot
- Historical Approach to Analyze Literature
- Kinds of Novel
- Love is pain
- Metaphor
- Moral value
- Mythological and Archetypal Approach to Analyze Literature
- Objective Approach to Analyze Literature
- Philosophical value
- Poetry Analysis: Content Elements
- Poetry: Imagery
- Poetry: Under the Same Sun Analysis
- Points of View
- Prose: Novel
- Psychological Approach to Analyze Literature
- Subject Matter and Theme
- Subjective Approach to Analyze Literature
- The Elements of Novel: Conflicts
- The Elements of Novel: Setting
- The Nature of Literature
- The Nature of Poetry
- Types of Poetic Forms
- What is a theme?
- A Good Day to Die Hard
- A Haunted House
- Bayern München and Allianz Arena
- Beautiful Creatures
- Call for Reviewers - New!
- Django Unchained
- Habibie & Ainun
- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
- Iron Man 3
- Les Misérables
- Profile: "Souls" of The Orange Netherlands
- Profile: The "Backbones" of Les Blues France
- Profile: The "Stars" of Der Panzer Germany
- Profile: The Pillars of El Matador Spain
- Quotation: Language
- Review: Ice Age 4 Continental Drift (2012)
- Review: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
- Review: Resident Evil 5: Retribution (2012)
- Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
- Review: The Avengers (2012)
- Review: The Bourne Legacy (2012)
- Review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
- Review: The Expendables 2 (2012)
- Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
- Texas Chainsaw 3D
- The Last Stand
- UEFA EURO Mascots from Time to Time
- Be The Best of Whatever You Are
- Confessions of a Sinner
- Kerendahan Hati
- Kesungguhan Seseorang...
- Life is Life
- Love is love
- Love is pain
- Quotation: Language
- The Legend Will Live
- The Voice of Truth
- Trying to be Somebody
- Viking Prayer before Battle
- Allegory
- Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 1)
- Basic Versification of Poetry (Part 2)
- Poetry Analysis: Content Elements
- Poetry: Imagery
- Poetry: Under the Same Sun Analysis
- The Nature of Poetry
- Types of Poetic Forms
- Austin’s Speech Act Theory
- Brown and Levinson's Politeness Strategies
- Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
- Cooperative Principle: The Concept of Implicature
- Cooperative Principle: The Flouting of Maxims
- Cooperative Principles: The Hedging of Maxims
- Deixis
- Deixis Theory Proposed by Stephen C. Levinson
- Discourse Deixis
- Grice's Cooperative Principle
- Kinds of Performative Utterance
- Leech's Politeness Principles
- Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
- Performative vs. Constative Sentence
- Place Deixis
- Positive Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson)
- Social Deixis
- The Functions of Illocutionary Acts
- Time Deixis
- Allegory
- Character and Characterization
- Elements of Novel:Plot
- Kinds of Novel
- Points of View
- Prose: Novel
- Subject Matter and Theme
- The Elements of Novel: Conflicts
- The Elements of Novel: Setting
- Things to Contemplate
- What is a theme?
- A Good Day to Die Hard
- A Haunted House
- Beautiful Creatures
- Call for Reviewers - New!
- Django Unchained
- Habibie & Ainun
- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
- Iron Man 3
- Les Misérables
- Review: Ice Age 4 Continental Drift (2012)
- Review: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
- Review: Resident Evil 5: Retribution (2012)
- Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
- Review: The Avengers (2012)
- Review: The Bourne Legacy (2012)
- Review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
- Review: The Expendables 2 (2012)
- Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
- Texas Chainsaw 3D
- The Last Stand
- Analytic Sentence
- Entailment
- Formal semantics
- Lexical Semantic: Referential Theory
- Metaphor
- Performative vs. Constative Sentence
- Presupposition
- Synthetic Sentence
- Types of Meaning
- What is Semantic: Brief Explanation
- Bilingualism
- Concept of Face and FTA (Face Threatening Acts) - New!
- Different Language or Dialect?
- Kinds of Code Switching - New!
- Negative Politeness Strategies (Brown and Levinson) - New!
- Sociolinguistic Handout
- Sociolinguistics: Language Variation
- Style and Register
- Austin’s Speech Act Theory
- Kinds of Performative Utterance
- Performative vs. Constative Sentence
- The Functions of Illocutionary Acts