Rhythm in
poetry refers to the patterns of repeated sounds.
Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
But Violent prone, poor people zone
Note: The italic words are the
examples of rhythm
Feet: In accentual-syllabic
versification the basic unit of measurement is known as the foot. The foot
consists of one accented syllable accompanied by one or two unaccented
How to determine the feet
in a line?
- Determine how many syllables are there in the line;
- Read naturally the sentence (in reading there must be stressed and unstressed syllables, these will be used to determine the kind of feet possesed by the line).
Kinds of Feet
- Iambic: 1 unaccented followed by 1 accented

- Trochaic: 1 accented followed by 1 unaccented

- Dactylic: 1 accented followed by 2 unaccented

- Spondaic: 2 unaccented

Metrical lines
l Metric: the art or study of using meter/
syllabic pattern in poetry;
l After discovering the
pattern of the feet, the next step is to determine the meter;
l To know the meter, just
count how many patterns are in the line and put one of the name of line below
after the name of the pattern.
- The sentence is called iambic, since it has pattern one unstressed
followed by one stressed;
- It has four feet, so that the meter is tetrameter;
- So the name of the above line is iambic tetrameter.
See also: