Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Objective Approach to Analyze Literature

The objective approach to literary work begins with a full description of it, if it is in the ground of poetry, it concerns the physical elements or technical properties. The reader should try to elucidate the author's methods and meaning in an entirely objective way. It begins with the presentation of the physical elements of its literary work, about the length, the form, and etc. which become the basic information of it and proceeds to more complex information, in this case, the elements of content of the literary work, such as theme, setting, plot, characters,  point of view, and etc.

Take an example in the field of poetry study, to begin with the critic should try to present the basic information which concerns with the elements of physic of the poem going to be analyzed, such as, rhythm, foot, rhyme scheme, stanza and etc. There should be a description of the basic versification of the poem; what kind of and how many feet in each line does it have? how is the rhyme scheme: abab or aaba or else? By using what kinds of stanza do the lines arrange? How is the meaning of the poem conveyed through the use of those technical devices? etc.

After presenting the basic versification of the poem, then it goes to analysis of the content elements, what the poem tells about? where and when do the story take place? who are the characters? what kinds of point of view that the author used? what kinds of figurative languages which are in there to beautify the literary work? and etc.

But what must be payed attention closely is that, all of the analysis must be done in objective way, it means that the critic should give their comment based on what are there in the literary work without involving his personal interest, experience, and feeling. So it is purely the description of the work based on what are stated in it.
See also:


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