Sunday, April 29, 2012

Love is pain

Love is pain
People who had never suffered for love, never actually knew love. If it never hurt, it was not love.
Love opens the closed, revives the unrealized, brightens the invisible, and glorifies the unappreciated.
Love catapults the hopes into the sky .
But, if it is disappointed, love  Heartbreaks to its deepest.

Orang yang tak pernah menderita karena cinta, sesungguhnya tak pernah mengenal cinta. Jika rasa itu tak pernah melukai, pasti itu bukan cinta.
Cinta membuka yang selama ini tertutup, menyadarkan yang belum pernah disadari, mencemerlangkan yang tak terlihat, dan memuliakan yang tak terhargai.
Cinta melambungkan harapan ke langit.
Tapi, jika ia dikecewakan, cinta menyayat hati sampai ke dasarnya.


  1. Asek2,,,,prikitiew

  2. how sweet it is..............!!! (^-^)

  3. Unfortunately thats not usually how life works
    You will draw to you exactly what you created in life and what u believe
    You are worthy loving ur self can create love in ur life. When u expect love from other source and someone or something doesnt fullfill your void and fantasy's.
    Then u will feel worse than before.


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